Saturday, November 13, 2010

Design Chemistry

Design Chemistry

       I can relate to this idea, of small teams of people working as a group to make something big. In our class (Design 101) we have a final project of making a board game. Were all in our own little groups of around five. When we all are out of the class are cool with each other. We get along good and share funny story’s and jokes all the time.  When it comes to time that we all work together on a project in class, such as a werewolf game we played toward the beginning of class, we worked together and made an awesome balanced game. Then there are days were we are put into small groups to make separate in-class games. When it comes to these for some reason we get into survival mode. Once our games are made we pass them around for a critic - If u can call it that. I took a college writing class in high school and we did this EVERYDAY! It was done right we all passed our papers around and talked about them freely without the creators input. It was well oiled and all the comments were thought out and were reasonable. But for some reason in Design we get defensive and have an angry tone toward each other. It seems were trying to one up each other when we should be working together to help each other to improve our games in larger terms, help us learn. There are some people who give great feedback, but there are times were I believe people are actively seeking out ways to say that your game is terrible. I understand I want to know when my game is bad so I can fix it, but there come a point the info they are trying to relay back to me is nothing but hate with no back up. Were I’m getting at with this tangent is that even though we are a group of people with the same goal, to learn as much as we can from the class and succeed in the industry. I feel like once were put in our separate group we go hostile on each other. It seems because we become closer to our group mate more so than the entire group. Thus I believe if it’s a large team that they work as one team not many teams.

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