Saturday, November 13, 2010

Chalk Free Play

Chalk Free Play

            At first when playing through the tutorial of chalk I was thinking the game would be easy. Well that came back to bite me. The game picked up in speed and challenge. The bosses were difficult enough to be a boss and yet unique on how to defect each one.

-Fun Factor
            This game is incredible addicting. The fun factor is that of I would play this in free time in a computer lab or something of that matter. As you play, you just get hooked. They made it so it gets hard, but the good hard. The hard were you WANT to beat it to yell YEAH I JUST DID THAT!

-Replay Value
            As like in Fun Factor I would play this in the off time. I wouldn’t go as far as playing this at home when I have my consoles and other AAA titles to play. But the Replay Value is there were I would choose this over a lot of other flash games.

            I didn’t know there was a story in this. If being some magical fairy that flys and paint chalk is a story then I’ve been wrong all along.

            For a Flash game I liked the way it looked. They did a good job making it feel like your floating. It’s smooth and feels real. For flash that is.

            The controls were smooth and fit the rolls. I could of played the game without the tutorial, but the tutorial was awesome also for people who were completely lost. It explained everything that needed to be explained.

            The game mechanic of the chalk being the weapon was awesome. The whole game was awesome. I would like to see this be made into a 3d game with an open world, because it has a great potential. Overall I give this game 9/10 Awesome-sauces

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