Friday, December 3, 2010

My Rant on a Day of Opportunities

                Yesterday was an interesting day. We had our Programming Project due.  Jon, Jeff and I been working on our project for few months. First month was before the project was assigned we started brainstorming on what to do.  We agreed on since it was a programming class we wanted to go on the heavy programming side. Since we were the only group we decided on we needed to pull out the heavy guns, networking our game. We didn’t know what we were getting into. We are all first year first semester students, we don’t have any experience beside the semester we’ve been messing with code and Unity. So after all the ideas and checklists on our game were completed we began the digital part of our game. We made everything we wanted, everything worked. Rockets, Assault Rifles, and Pistols with full movement, random level spawns and everything we wanted checked out.  We were happy with our game and decided to work on the NetCode. Boy did we learn our lesson. We started putting our code into the engine and well… let’s say if my computer had arms; it would punch me in the face. We get one thing working and then something else would not work, it was a huge circle. The day before the project was due; we got together at 10am and worked on the project till 4am, hoping to get everything working 100%. When we finally turned in or project our game came from a game with a lot of things in them, to a simple left right pistol game with NetCode. Luckily our teacher was very impressed with the Networking we did, so all in all even though we didn’t get to show all the work we did, we did get to show that we worked hard on the NetCode and had it working. 

                Jon, Jeff and I have been working together in all our classes for most of the semester. I see how great we work together, we are not really far in the SGD program we’ve taken a programming, design and Jeff has taken a modeling class, but other than that were still testing the waters of what we're each great at. The reason I bring up all this is because as we worked on our programming game we knew each other’s strength and weaknesses. Without even thinking we were helping each other with things and the other didn’t even need to ask. I see this group of our, to be together for a long time.  Once we all learn what were good and can specialize in whether it been sound, modeling, programming or whatever. I know we will be working together for a while.

After our programming class we headed off to the SGD awards, where they had Steve Reid from Red Storm came down to talk to the people who showed up. He gave a good look at when we need to know to get into the industry and such, really good talk. Our group of Jon Jeff and I always talked about starting a small company or something. During the SGD awards there was a girl can’t think of her name off the top of my head, that asked a question about how to start a company and such. Jeff and I noticed this and hope to start networking with her and other people we believe are qualified to keep the determination of going forward. Even though we are first semester student we are really dedicated to get our feet in all the different waters and find out what each of us are really good at and like to do. Hope to start talking to this girl and see were the business relationship goes.

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